Category Archives: Uncategorized

I’m Still Here!

I haven’t forgotten you blog. I promise. I have just been taking some time do a whole lot of thinking. It hasn’t really gotten me anywhere yet….also most recently there were some very scary technical glitches. BlogTown has done something super weird to their home page and couldn’t find where to log on to my blog! So confusing. Luckily I could still access my blog (by following the address) and could log on through there.

Ah. I’m snuggled (well as snuggled as you can be, typing) up in bed, listening to  the rain outside, doing some work. A pleasant Sunday morning. I just need some tea.

There is exactly 3 weeks of work left on my Diploma!! Three weeks!!!!!! I have mixed feelings about this – relief, sadness, pride, worry. This Semester has just disappeared, honestly. 12 weeks have just vanished. Its weird how time goes so much faster when the end is near. Semester One was exactly the same length but it feels like it was about a year longer. Officially my course finishes on the 18th November.

So I’m still thinking (thinking, mulling, dreaming, contemplating) Massey. A 3 year degree majoring in English to be exact.

Originally (well not originally, who knows what I was going to do originally) I was thinking maybe I could work for a year. Have a break from study, get some experience, make some dough (not literally). Or even study part -time work part-time. But the thing is, the sad, sad thing is that there IS NO JOBS. Period. I mean there are some ‘jobs’. But the problem is that the jobs I’d like to do I’m apparently too dumb to do and the jobs that I might actually have a slim chance at doing I’m too smart to do… hah. I wish I could write in my CV “I’m actually not a moron. In fact I’m probably smarter than most of the people you are going to interview. Just because I haven’t done this exact job before doesn’t mean I CAN”T LEARN.” Really? Have people given up on teaching. I feel sorry for future generations. We are setting them up for failure.

Annnywaaay… so, working (a proper job) seems to be no longer an option. So here is the new plan which sounds just swell  to me. I’m going to study at Massey in February (maybe). I’m going to have a lovely blissful, relaxing wonderful  3 months off prior to this and let the government pay my bills because they’re too stupid to figure out how to fix the economy (a.k.a the dole) and finally – fingers, toes, arms, legs, noses and eyebrows crossed – I’m going to win the Sunday Star-Times Short Story Competition so that I have a little bit of extra cash (of course that isn’t the only reason I want to win). Please, please, please, please, I’d be happy with 3rd place.

So. Now I just have to decide. And put the plan into action. And start believing in God. Maybe not the last thing . Honestly though, with out sounding like I’m blowing my own horn, a summer off would be so great. After last summer I feel like a deserve it too. And I wouldn’t be lazying around doing nothing. There would be much work done! Just work that I actually like doing like painting, and writing and finding places to submit work to. And finishing my book. And many things.

Well, I think this is just about long enough. And I’m in great need of tea. I will write soon, hopefully with a decision made.


Bring on Summer I say!

Somewhere amongst the chaos..

So here I am, floating along, more like flying along, into the future. Far too quickly for my liking.

There is just so much happening (and that is about to happen) that is becoming increasinly hard to focus on the present.

I have 5 assignments due within the next month.

My course finishes in 5 weeks!!!!! And I have to find a job :(

And I’m trying to figure out what I want to do next year. I’m considering a Bachelor of Arts – Majoring in English at Massey.

Considering, considering.

And all of the above explains why my posts are becoming far and few between.

Its sad times at the moment.

I’ll write when I can see the light at the end of the tunnel…

Let it be Spring!

I am celebrating the first day of Spring with a glass of wine (possibly a touch flat :/), Radiohead – In Rainbows and a new post on my mildly abandoned blog (I do love you bloggy I swear).  Bring on the warm weather, summer vegetables, ocean swims, bare feet, dresses, and new opportunities!

I am somewhat worried (who I am I kidding – I’m completley terrified) about finding a job, or more correctly, not finding one. I just wish it wasn’t so hard and so incredibly stressful to find a job – shouldn’t it be a relatively simple task – I WANT  TO WORK. You’d think it would be harder to avoid work, since ya know, its the accepted social norm. But alas, the economy resembles a steaming pile of elephant dung at the moment. Also I only have about two months left of my Diploma :( I have really enjoyed it and its all just ending too quickly for my liking.

I’m also starting to get tired of being really really broke…. but that’s depressing so lets talk about something exciting.

I am loving my painting class at the moment. Painting completes me in this weird way that I can’t explain at all with words. I imagine it as like a blind person who can finally see the face of their children… or someone who walks for the first time…and the greatest part is that there is no measure of how good my work is. It just is what it is. And its brilliant because it is being created, not solely because of the end result. I kind of wish I could just paint and write and cook and eat and drink wine and swim in the sea all summer.

Right now I am listening to Nude by Radiohead – it is such a beautiful song.

I’m getting a haircut tomorrow, I don’t think I have ever been this excited about a haircut before :D I’m a bit scared because I am going to a different hair dressers that I have never been to before. But my God I am not guna miss the mass of split ends that I have at the moment. Also, I’m thinking a fringe like this could be nice.



And now I should probably make dinner – nachos! – but first These are some of my Favourite Things


Love these Shoes!

[] 1950's nile-green stiletto heels

From and













These are some of my favourite things…

(This is an ongoing post, so scroll down for more and check back soon because I will be adding more)

Emma Bridgewater Polka Dot Range

So remember I few posts ago I told of my wonderful new notebook (with concertina file)? With the glorious polka dots? Is it coming back to you? Well, since that post I have discovered a whole world of polka dot delights. It started yesterday when I was browsing in ‘Take Note’ for a rack card holder for my partner, I went down another aisle and BAM there they were – a whole stand of polka dot thingies that made me swoon. A memo box, journal, recipe card box!, and pencil case. I had to muster all the strength in my body to not buy anything (coz, ya know, I’m a poor student and all). Anyway the story continues that today, I was doing some more casual browsing, in Full House (lovely homewares ect store) when I saw a recipe journal, again of the same polka dot variety. And I was going What is all of this?? The answer – Emma Bridgewater of the UK – and then I found a whole website of this glorious stuff inlcuding, wait for it, teapots and teacups and big ceramic jars that say TEA. I almost died. For what could be better than combining tea and polka dots!? Nothing I tells you. Unfortunately these lovely tea things start at around 30 pounds, that’s if they even ship to New Zealand. One day though, one day. For now I might just have to buy the journal or the pencil case (coz I obviously have so many pencils) to get my polka dot fix. (As a side thought – imagine me writing in my polka dot journal, sipping tea from my polka dot cup, with a steaming polka dot teapot at my side. I think I just defined heaven.)

Polka Dot Tea Storage JarPolka Dot Two Cup Teapot

These are Some of My Favourite Things

So this is the first in a series of posts dedicated to my favourite things.


Pilates is an exercise system developed by the German Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. Pilates involves doing well controlled movements on mat, that help to provide stability and flexibility and strengthen muscles. I started doing Pilates in Februray this year and I still love it. I love it because I know its good for my body, and while I’m doing it  I feel like I am getting a good work out but at the same time it is relaxing.

Courtesy of


Presse Papiers

I love this website! Set up by two kiwi sisters, Presse Papiers is a website that sells handmade paper products and gifts, journals and writing stationary. Agh I could browse through it all day. The dandelion memo box set below is at the top of my wishlist.



A Celebratory Post

I’m writing this post from my bed…in the living room – it’s bliss! With the flatmate away me and Row decided to move into  the lounge for a week. It feels kind of like camping, except better because it’s warm, comfortable and there aren’t any bugs.  I don’t know why people don’t do this more often, it just makes sense. You can do all your work from the most comfortable place – bed and it’s much easier to wake up in the morning with the sun pouring in.

Anyway there is more exciting news than the location of my bed…. I turned 20 yesterday! Hurrah! It feels nice to say that – 20. Feels rather fitting somehow. There were no extravagant parties (gosh I’m a grown-up now, I have to be well behaved) but there was much eating and catch-ing up-ing and even some singing. Me and Row went out for dinner with my parents and his parents to the Indian Cafe – which makes GREAT food. We had a few ‘tall blondes’ at Harry’s Bar first – well I stuck to the usual Sauv and Mum had something that looked liked Guinness but was probably much nicer. But it didn’t end there… we made our way back to my place where Dad presented his beautiful cake, inclusive off 20 candles. The cake was in the shape of an open book and was a symbol of the past chapters of my life and the ones still to come.

Thank you to everyone who made yesterday super!



Childhood Alley

So it’s a mildly rainy Sunday and I am actually out of bed at a decent time. It required much effort but here I am bloggin’ with a faithful cup of tea at my side. To be fair I did stay up quite late last night doing some painting and writing – I have now started Chapter B (or 2) of my book, hurrah! (Which by the way, is on my favourite subject: food.)

This week I have been doing some joyous reminiscing. As part of my Diploma I am doing a Writing for Children paper and so I was having a casual browse through Trade Me at children’s book when I stumbled upon a hidden memory. I found this book for sale called ‘Richard Scarry’s Best Little Word Book Ever’. I honestly stared at the little cat on the cover for a good 10 minutes and all the while my brain was screaming “Why does this book look so ridiculously familiar?.” So I searched good ol’ Google and came across Huckle Cat and Lowly worm and Busy Town and a the whole glorious world of  Richard Scarry. When I was little I had read his books but somehow, in all the chaos of my mind they had been completely forgotten. I tell you I was actually squealing when I finally realised why those books were so familar. Now I am on the hunt to find my childhood books and reunite myself with Huckle Cat and Lowly Worm.

Courtesy of


Will be posting again shortly :)



Ends and Beginnings

Wooooooohoooooo! I just finished the first chapter of my first book. It took a month longer than I had anticipated but at 17 pages and 7608 words I am pretty stoked with that. Excuse me for a moment while I shout and jump up and down… I DID IT!!! I HAVE WRITTEN THE FIRST CHAPTER AND IT MAY NEVER BE READ BY ANYONE BUT ME AND MY PARENTS WHO HAVE TO READ IT BECAUSE THEY ARE MY PARENTS AND THAT IS THEIR JOB BUT I DO NOT CARE BECAUSE I DID IT! … sorry about that. You may want to hide under the bed if, no, when I finish the whole book. See the thing is, this is a big step for me in my writing. As much as I love words and writing them and putting them together so they tell a story I have always been a weak finisher. My stories would always trail off because I would have a new idea and then another one and then another one so that I would have a whole library of introductions. And I know that I have only written one chapter, technically I haven’t finished anything yet, but even though it’s only one chapter it is great start and most importantly it is a start that is going to lead to a middle and then an end. This time I’m hooked.

In another news, I have decided to do a painting class and finally do something that I have always loved but have always been afraid of doing for fear of failing miserably. (Was that sentence somewhat poetic?) My biggest goal for this class and my biggest challenge is just to enjoy myself and not worry about how wonderfully terrible my paintings are and not to care if my giraffe looks more like a tree that has been struck by lightening.

This semester is going to be pretty intense I think. The papers on my course all look quite heavy with big projecty-type assignments as well as lots of theory. Plus I have the painting class on Monday morning, am going to start a new pilates class which will be on Fridays and oh yeah – I’m turning 20 in 3 weeks. Since when was I so old? Also there is the fact that in about August/ September I am going to have to start looking for work which is just going to be a right shit. In the words of Douglas Reynholm ‘Bloody blast this up my ass!’ – ah what a great show. Hopefully – fingers, toes, arms, legs and eyebrows crossed – I can get some work at one of the hundred’s of motels on Beach Road, but I bet even that will be a challenge.

That’s enough rambling from me, I think I am going to go and play with some paint and then maybe make some Afghans.


Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful…

Feeling super positive right now…and this might be a bit long.

It has been a pretty busy last week of the holidays. In short it has involved Paul the chicken, going out, staying in and keeping warm, zombies and mad scientists, pears and giraffes, thunder and lightning (literally!) and making plans for bright new beginnings in Semester Two.

Food, put simply, is central to everything. It enables us to exist and gives us the energy for everyday. Food has a different meaning to everyone; some people despise it, some don’t know how to use it to its full potential, some are afraid of it – some love it. I am in the last bunch. I love food. To me it’s a form of art, a constant learning curve, ultimate comfort and some of the best fun you can have. The best part for me is making something from scratch with fresh ingredients and a bit of faith. This week I took to a chicken, lovingly named Paul. He came pre-roasted from  the supermarket (lazy but tasty!) and me and my partner got 3+ dinners out of him; traditional roast, pita breads with brie cheese, salad and chicken, and pesto pasta. And I spent Friday making chicken stock and bread. I think Chicken Soup will be on next weeks menu. Speaking of food we also went out with my partners parents and had Thai. Thai is the best.

Stock :)


So I did a few things other than just eating this week. I went to my old High School’s play. Long story short it involved a few mad scientists that created scary monsters. I always admire the way so many pieces (and people) can fall into place to create something beautiful – even if it’s not perfect.

I also visited the library (one of my favourite places) and got some drawing books and painting books. I want to paint! And hopefully I will soon be taking a class. I spent most of yesterday afternoon drawing. I feel like when I draw, a new part of me is growing. Like an extra limb, but less weird.  I bought this magical notebook, its actually awesome. I have attached some photos but they are a bit b-grade. And I got ‘Midnight Affair’ Nail Varnish (or navy blue in simple terms).



See, see it is awesome (note the little concertina file)












Ok so here is my wee dog that I drew. I am going to draw a pony after writing this post.











Semester Two starts tomorrow. Four new papers, mostly new tutors, new assignments…new, new, new. I’m a wee bit nervous but mostly excited. And nervous. I want to write a bit more about this but I also want to draw a pony and make dinner. So I will write a new post tomorrow once I get my course outline and after I meet the Art Class tutor.

I hope you’ll enjoyed my classy photography skills.  Remember, life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful.

Travels Abroad (Almost)

Last week I spent a few nights in the Capital City, staying at my brothers. I’m still not sure how I feel about Wellington (apart from the standard ‘it’s cold’). I haven’t quite made up my mind yet. I do love the narrow streets and old house that are squished in next to each other like books on a library shelf. And I love the harbour that you can see from almost anywhere because it is so hilly. I like the quaint boutiques and cafes that I can’t afford to shop at. And the people. The great diversity of people that flow constantly (or stampede) down Lambton Quay and Cuba Street. They are all in the same street and yet they are far away with different stories and vacant expressions. I could dream up whole worlds for them. I also love how there are so many museums and galleries – you could spend days just peering into paintings. We visited Te Papa – the Museum of New Zealand and the City Art Gallery. I think the thing I like about art is that you never really know quite what you are looking at. It’s like if you peep through a strangers window, you get a snapshot of their life – what they have for breakfast, the pictures on the wall – but it’s just a moment and you will never know the whole story, so you can dream it up yourself. And of course, what would a good holiday be without great food – home-made pizza’s, Indian from the Curry Pot restaurant and a splash of Sav Blanc.


Snippets from Wellington.


From top left:

  1. Botanic Gardens
  2. Some of the clothes I bought including new favourite Cat Sweater (Wearing Presently)
  3. A selection of travel necessaries – My Holga film camera, tartan scarf, fingerless gloves, purse & tan leather bag, sunglasses, journal for my book and favourite lavender hydrosol (for absolutely everything)
  4. Dress from Te Papa display (50s?) I would wear this.
  5. Botanic Gardens
  6. Old Wellington – I love this! Lambton Quay. Silly me didn’t get the date.
  7. View from the ferry coming into the Sounds – stunning.
  8. Herb Avenue in Botanic Gardens.
  9. View of Wellington + Harbour from Mt Victoria
  10. Sansevieria Snake Plant at Botanic Gardens. I have one of these plants in a terracotta pot on my deck. I am now mildly concerned that it is going to turn into jungle like this one. The picture doesn’t do it justice – it is almost a meter wide! Path