Well I haven’t written for a while which is a bit terrible but I have been quite busy.
Will came for a week and we drank wine and reminisced and I ate too much chocolate. Easter – not ideal.
Then of course I have been working on all my assignments. I swear no matter how much I do they never come to an end.
I feel like writing a list.
This Week
– Hopefully we get a washing machine at long last
– Have to go to Aromaflex to enquire about the course
– Hopefully get a massage through the lady who’s leasing a room at Desire Fitness
– I might buy some paints, I feel like being arty
– Do lots of work on assignments
– Oh yeah, and I’m spending the weekend in Mot because Row is going to a rave :/ think me and mum will go to a movie and then going to a party or something equally crappy on Saturday. Joy.
One of my exercises this week was writing about what we would do if we were in solitary confinement for a year, in other words all alone in a big house. I think I would need a wine cellar, a large bath, a lot of food, a lot of books and the entire series of Friends. And maybe a few cats. I would spend my mornings in the bath drinking wine and reading and spend the evening cooking, eating and drinking wine. I think would become very… culinary. And most probably quite fat.
I really want some potato chips and some orange juice. But it is 8.23 pm and I don’t feel like leaving my blankety nest that I made especially for blog-writing.
And here is a proverb from The Penguin Dictionary of Proverbs
“He who aims at the moon may hit the top of a tree; he who aims at the top of a tree is unlikely to get off the ground”