I still can’t believe its 2012! A whole new year. I always get excited when a new year starts, its so mysterious and thrilling. The practical, ocd, middle-aged me comes out and starts planning and organising and goal setting. The me that wants to make a first-aid kit and de-frost the freezer. But there is another me, that usually basks beneath the other one. That me dreams of sparkly things and mysterious places and miles and miles of shoes. Maybe 2012 is the year for that me. I spend so much time worrying and thinking and analyzing about bills, and saggy lettuces and crumbs and dirty socks. I want to roll that all up, pop it on a sail boat and send it to the moon. This is what I am dreaming of for 2012.
Maybe not Paris and maybe not the raunchy get-up (that’s the practical me again) but there are so many things that I feel like I could do or be that I have never even tried. I want to publish my book and start my real, potentially profitable, and hopefully eventually highly successful blog. I want to change my hair and grow my dress collection and spend much time stove-front drinking wine while simultaneously having picnics in bed, watching the classics I haven’t seen. And its almost funny, because I have no idea what’s stopping me. I’m going to have a long (whatever, I have to work tomorrow) hard sleep on this very fact.