A Mix of Things


So, to be blunt, I failed miserably at my month of exercise – in fact, I don’t think I did any at all! I did realise though that in order to do something like exercise (which I think I might as well be honest, I kind of hate it) I have to have a routine. Like I almost always manage to force myself to pilates even though I have to take a bus and it’s dark and cold and at the most stupid time. But I know I have to go so I go. Maybe if there was a tiger chasing me, I would be able to ride my bike. I need to dwell on this some more. 

In other news… I HAVE FINISHED MY BOOK!!!!!!!!!!! And I even manged to do it by the 6th of May. Today, I get to hold my book (a marvelous 87 pages). I’m impressed that I stuck at it for so long – a year- and didn’t get sick of it or bored or just plain give up like I do with so many other things. I just wrote a book, one that will probably be in a book store one day with a shiny cover (and I’m allowed to blow my own horn because no one else is going to and I’m quite depressed right now). 

There are MANY THINGS happening in my life right now and it’s kind of mad and happy and depressing all at the same time. Here is a list

  • I just finished my book, hurrah! And now I can start the editing process.
  • Today, my parents are abandoning me and going to the other side of the world for three months, this is weird because I have no idea how it will effect me or if it will at all. I only know that I will cry at the airport to keep to tradition.
  • We are trying to find a new house (hence being depressed). I despise house hunting, its completely soul-sucking. We are currently right back at square one. I actually do want to find a new place, new starts are nice and it will be just me and my manfriend. But still. Ugh.
  • I am growing a beautiful wardrobe of vintagey things. Also I took a leap and made my first modcloth purchase. Woohoo! I even bought SHOES and they FIT!
  • Also, winter is approaching, just weeks a way. I do not like winter. Today it is wintery and it is my one day off and every other day it has been sunny. Poo.

I have to go and get ready now, I am going to swiss ball class to make a fool out of myself. Soon I will post some pictures (not of me on a swiss ball   , but of pretty nice things.)

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