Hello world,
I just finished my final assignment for semester one! Perhaps I should be relieved/ happy/ excited/ sad. But it hasn’t really sunk in yet.
You may be wondering about the title for this post – well I’ll explain. In my final assignment I wrote a 500 word piece on autumn and the changing seasons. Sort of a prosey type thing. I’m quite happy with it. So now I have like leaves, clouds, rain drops and so forth clogging up my brain.
Here’s a sample;
Through the window pane I watch the swings in the playground stir, lonely. The damp wooden castle creaks and a stream runs down the fiber-glass slide. Rain-drops adorn the sea-saw’s metal seats. The abandoned playground waits for an eager child and a brave parent to set foot into the cold.
So, this semester is almost finished. I’m waiting to get marks for 3 more assignments (including the afformentioned one) then I will let you know how happy I am with this semester.
Yesterday me and my partner went to Rabbit Island to go exploring.
Here is the beach:
It’s pretty stunning right. Great how that is only a 20 minute drive away. Ironically there is a beach at the end of our road. About 2 minutes walk, which is even more stunning. But it doesn’t have a cool forest to get lost in.
In my semester break, I want to buy some black and white film and take some photos with that. ‘Reckon it’d be pretty magic.
I think it is time to start making some soup.
Slow down and enjoy life. It’s not only the scenery you miss by going too fast – you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.
Eddie Cantor