A fresh cup of tea at my side and some sun starting to shimmer through the clouds – time for a blog post.
It’s the 20th of October – almost November. How odd that sounds. I want to get my offer of place at Massey and my student loan and allowance sorted for next year. And signed up for the student dole. Tom Petty was right, the waiting is the hardest part. I guess the worst thing is that, if any of these things gets rejected, I have absolutely no idea what to do. I’ll be completely lost. I guess I’ll rush down to winz and then try and frantically find a job. It doesn’t sound that great to be honest. So fingers crossed.
I seem to be in transit at the moment, lost, floating, in limbo or vertigo. There are so many things I’m waiting for. I’m waiting to here about 3 competitions and 2 submissions. I have all my appendages crossed for that. I think I’ll feel really good once everything is confirmed (with Massey), I’ll be heading somewhere. I’ll be able to get stuck into Summer and My Goals.
My Goals
- Finish my book
- Research and write an article for Learning Media, school journal.
- Write new material to submit to Literary Journals
- Submit one of my children’s stories to a publisher
Those are my writing goals anyway. I have lots of things I want to do this summer. I want to go into the Park. I want to spend a lot of time at the beach, and walking and swimming. I want to get a bit fitter. I want to find some part-time work. I want to do a lot of painting and reading and cooking. And spend hours outside in the evening drinking wine. I want to take lots of photographs and keep a summer journal. I want to get really prepared for Massey.
At the end of Summer, me and Row will have been together for two years. It’s weird and wonderful thinking about that and those two years. In some ways it feels like we have been together forever. I know him so well and he knows me. We just slot into place. It kind of amazes me that I found someone who I fit so well with. I always felt like the puzzle piece that didn’t quite fit right. But that must be why we work so well. I never thought that I would have fallen truly in love with someone before I was 20. It’s nice that I’m planning my future alongside someone. I think I need a bourbon.
On a much, much lighter note. Here are some photos.