(This is an ongoing post, so scroll down for more and check back soon because I will be adding more)
Emma Bridgewater Polka Dot Range
So remember I few posts ago I told of my wonderful new notebook (with concertina file)? With the glorious polka dots? Is it coming back to you? Well, since that post I have discovered a whole world of polka dot delights. It started yesterday when I was browsing in ‘Take Note’ for a rack card holder for my partner, I went down another aisle and BAM there they were – a whole stand of polka dot thingies that made me swoon. A memo box, journal, recipe card box!, and pencil case. I had to muster all the strength in my body to not buy anything (coz, ya know, I’m a poor student and all). Anyway the story continues that today, I was doing some more casual browsing, in Full House (lovely homewares ect store) when I saw a recipe journal, again of the same polka dot variety. And I was going What is all of this?? The answer – Emma Bridgewater of the UK – and then I found a whole website of this glorious stuff inlcuding, wait for it, teapots and teacups and big ceramic jars that say TEA. I almost died. For what could be better than combining tea and polka dots!? Nothing I tells you. Unfortunately these lovely tea things start at around 30 pounds, that’s if they even ship to New Zealand. One day though, one day. For now I might just have to buy the journal or the pencil case (coz I obviously have so many pencils) to get my polka dot fix. (As a side thought – imagine me writing in my polka dot journal, sipping tea from my polka dot cup, with a steaming polka dot teapot at my side. I think I just defined heaven.)