Well, it has been a while since I posted – but heck – there has been much happening and now, there is much to blog about! Why since my last post it has rained and flooded and now the sun is protruding boldly form a blue sky. I have worked 12 days straight (through some of this ghastly rain) and I have been one busy elf getting ready for Christmas, for today is Christmas Eve Eve.
So this blog would probably be super long if I went into detail about everything so I’ll try and keep it short.
I just knocked off work – hurrah! – and now have two days off to celebrate the Christmasness. The last two weeks have been kind of mad. Last week we had the worst rain storm ever to occur in a NZ town (holy crap!) and Nelson and surrounding areas are in a bit of a muddy, landslidey state – thank almighty man in sky, my house and families are all ok. I worked through all of the torrential rain and well, I can’t say I enjoyed it.
This week I have been busy getting ready for Christmas – I have made ginger bread men, finished my Christmas shopping, bought lovely wrapping stuff and bought several truck loads of food. We have also been doing lots of socialising including Rows work function and dinner with the in-laws.
It is now Boxing Day! as stuff happened half-way through writing the above post I never got to finish it. Christmas was mostly magical. It involved a lot of yummy food – which we are still trying to get through – and lots of nice presents, which make me feel quit spoilt. On Christmas Eve I was a busy bee making cookies and Key Lime Pie and wrapping presents and we even fit in time to watch a Christmas movie! We watched ‘A Christmas Carol’ (a Disney animated version of the original). Christmas day involved French Toast and champagne -ish wine, my beautiful necklace from Row, dinner with the extending (I swear there are more people every year) family and even a phone call to Will, my vagabond brother, who was lying in a tree drinking whiskey.
Since pictures are worth a thousand words – here are some. I’ll write more later.