Well, here I am again, making excuses about my very abandoned blog. I sort of have a good one this time. I have been on my death bed, almost. And before that travelling abroad. August was one busy month. In a very brief sum-up (I could write pages, but somehow I can’t, yet) I turned 21 and it was magical, my parents returned from their vagabond adventures abroad, we went to the river city Brisbane, I got a deathly disease and among it all my book turned into a four headed lion that is threatening to eat me. It’s been great! I remembered how much I love travelling: how I love watching the people of a different city, and exploring the little corners of somewhere foreign, and all the eating, and bustling airports, and motel rooms made of bricks and the photographing and the sunshine. I love it all.
And now its nearly, very nearly, spring. Spring is all about growth and change and freshness and for me this spring is going to contain some really big changes. First of all, we’re moving house (yay!!!!!), which is big and full of changes on its own, but it also means that me and Row will have our very own place, which is scary and wildly exciting and just good. I hate house moving because I take after my father (sorry dad) and am a massive hoarder and have way, way too much stuff. (I’ve also recently had a life epiphany and discovered that I’m a messy person so that makes it hard too). But I am so ready for a brand new fresh house that is different and we can make our own place, I’m ready for change.
The second thing that’s happening is that my roster is changing at work and I will be migrating to the land of afternoon work which = free mornings. I really, really want this to be a good thing. A lion-taming thing. I hope so. Very excited for change and progression at the moment.
Summer is coming and I want good things to happen. I have several projects lined up which I will have to write about soon. God damn I need to do some writing!!
Good night.