So it’s Sunday night. This was kind of a half-arsed weekend (sorry Mum). It mostly consisted of eating, naps and serving the public – the eating and the naps were quite good. I treated myself out to breakfast on Saturday because I ended up in town quite early. I went to the Morrison Street Cafe and had poached eggs. I love going out for breakfast and I love good eggs. It was lovely. Then I got to go out for dinner to my in-laws and we had a roast (I’m too lazy to cook roasts so it was veeery nice). I am hanging out for Wednesday – the commencement of two wonderful days off. A pretend – but better than my real – weekend. I plan to do a lot of writing. At least I have good intentions.
I tend to drool over shoes, dresses and anything mustard coloured but I have found something quite far from the clothes rack that I might just have to obtain somehow. Of course I can’t afford it but maybe further down the track I might be able to, or maybe someone will be kind and get it for my birthday (hint, hint).
A writer must have her tools, this being an 11.6″ Sony Vaio Netbook. And yes, it is pink. It’s like a baby version of my laptop that I could take with me everywhere. Ahhhh…